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Annual review – Part 2

We are focusing on four service areas (knowledge management, low-code, integrations, robotics), and each utilizes new development methods regarding both technology and development methods. The core of our strategy includes networking with the best professionals in each sector. We are also satisfied with the fact that our partners put their trust in us the last year. We have accumulated the best operators as both technology and integration partners. In both service areas, we have partners that we can implement our vision with by doing more for the client. In our client’s opinion, the new operating models and methods have been useful, even inspiring. Statement of a partner that we have a service equivalent to a Google search engine. That comment is an exaggeration, but we hear similar, milder observations from our clients. With the help of the operating model, we can get the whole team to work together and understand what we are doing and, most importantly: why we are doing it. When at the same time, we can also implement an efficient IT implementation and understand the benefits our clients get from the services. Regarding professionals, a combination of new technologies, wage models, and an excellent professional team stimulates interest. One person stated that our wage model is, in his opinion, the best in the IT industry. These types of comments are nice to hear – especially when we hear them for such people that have experience in different wage models and their construction in both the public and private sectors. Our chosen technologies are of interest to experienced professionals that have found that modern practices do not allow for efficient accomplishment of things. Respectively, people fresh from school and just starting their careers see the opportunity to develop a solution with new technologies directly. Also, model-based development of different fields is of interest, the benefits and efficiency of automated ETL can be observed and authenticated, service design firmly integrated low-code attracts and process-driven integration design and robotics inspire. The age distribution of our staff is well balanced. Professionals born in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s in each field are somewhat the same. This brings our team an excellent combination of experience and new ways. We are continually looking for new professionals. At this moment, we are looking for project managers, architects, and executors in each of our service areas: knowledge management and analytics, low-code, integration, and robotics services. We are looking for both experienced and new professionals to learn new things. We are a very training positive organization; we provide training on new equipment, guidance as well as mentoring. Each of the professionals gets certificates on equipment that we use. We work in collaboration with our technology partners.

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